Hello World! Why subscribe?


Oregon Contact is your guide to getting settled in the great Pacific Northwest.

Our goal is to help you learn what you need to thrive here - from how to live in a rural area to how to build you business irl or online. (Yes including explaining some internet slang. irl = in real life.)

This in intended to be a fun place to build community and learn together. at first it may seem a random collection of ideas. But it will grow into a connected cluster of knowledge that you might have just known if you were raised her among the trees.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

Our short guides will show you topical news and business ideas as well as thing to talk to your friends and neighbors about.

We will talk about

  • starting and building a business to fund your dreams,

  • find land - and building it out - to live your dreams and

  • working to make the political system fairer for all, so that the world you build for yourself is still here to pass on to your family.

Join us as we build on these ideas.

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Subscribe to Oregon Contact

Oregon Contact is your guide to getting settled in the great Pacific Northwest.


I make Art; live on a Permaculture farm. I am a retired Art teacher. I write about whatever seems interesting to my ADHD brain.